What are the innovative solutions to cope with the water-related effects of climate change?
Every year, our environment suffers from climate change related natural hazards such as flooding and droughts. In the following years, the impact of these problems will increase, challenging our society even more. Coastal areas, are – even more than other areas – vulnerable to flood risks. Coastal cities face a high risk from increasingly costly flooding as sea levels rise and water from the hinterland amid climate change. To cope with the issues of drought and extreme rainfall, extra buffering and drainage capacity is necessary.
As climate change will affect the way we set up our living environments, it is necessary to gain better insights into these effects. In this context, a climate test for all pilot sites of the SCAPE project took place between January and April 2017. These tests form the basis for any implementation on the site and identify the potential LLD solutions which will be executed in the pilots.

More information on the different approaches and use of Landscape Led Design measures used in all six pilots can be found here:
Gardens of Stene (Ostend): The green laboratory for local dynamics
Zwin: Transforming an ever changing landscape
Camden Avenue & Norton Road (Brighton & Hove): The participatory greening in an urban landscape
Darent Valley (Kent Downs): Jewel in the Downs, an area of outstanding natural beauty
East Bank (Ostend): The Cityriver, a green-blue match between LLD and WSUDs
Essenvelt (Middelburg)
A broad overview of all climate adaptation solutions and more general knowledge can be found on the Climate App.