SCAPE is a European project in which the water management of landscapes is adapted to the impact of climate change. SCAPE works in harmony with nature: you do things a bit differently in a polder than you would in a brook's catchment basin.
SCAPE's projects are located in cities, urban fringes and the countryside. They are diverse and inspirational: the sleek design of the Cityriver in Ostend, where the water unexpectedly disappears into the soil; the small-scale interventions in Brighton that funnel rainwater from the sloping streets underground; the Gardens of Stene, which draw in water from the city and supply food in return; the creek ridges in Middelburg, where rainwater is pushing back the advancing saline groundwater; the widened Zwin, an old estuary where nature can once again take its course; and the restored water meadows in Darent Valley in the smog of London.
This book tells the story of those projects and shows how the city and country's water housekeeping works in harmony with nature.
Landscape, nature and climate. Many people talk about it and make empty promises, but few take bold measures. This book will cover more in the latter category. Scientifically reliable information combined with a forward-looking vision and a sensible policy: it can definitely be done.
Johan Braeckman, professor of philosophy (University of Ghent)
The six SCAPE projects bring together new thinking to the challenges posed by climate change in northern European coastal areas. The environmental change posed by extreme weather and flooding requires a new landscape led approach to water management, green and blue policy and urban and rural development. The innovative SCAPE projects located in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands are excellent examples of landscape led solutions to climate change which can provide a template and guidance for future planning in relevant locations.
Frank Rallings, Visiting Lecturer Town Planning (University of Brighton)
We can finally sleep soundly in our beds again!
A resident who no longer fears that his house will flood in heavy rain.

Illustrations by Eric van Rootselaar.
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